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Monday, October 24, 2011

Master Your Craft

If it's flipping hamburgers at McDonald's, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft. –Snoop Dogg

We’ve talked about taking action and making a plan when it comes to your goals. One of the goals I continuously work towards is the mastering of my craft. And - not just because Snoop Dogg tells me too.

Why Master your Craft?
 Well, let me answer this question, with a question. Why wouldn’t you?? Don’t cheat yourself – why would you be anything but the very best version of you.

How do I start mastering my craft?
·        Be Curious! (That’s why my friends call me Whiskers)
o   Slow down, and ask questions. I love playing the “what if” game when it comes to my craft. “What if I tried x, y or z, differently - how would my results change...” 

·         Relate your Craft to your Everyday
o   Learn from indirect experiences and allow yourself to be inspired by everything around you. This is going to sound cheesy and I’m almost embarrassed to admit it – but today, on my lunch, I walked down to a little creek for inspiration on team building. What was it about the creek that allowed it to flow so smoothly? And guess what?! I came up with some great ideas! 

·         Practice Make Perfect – or at least better ;)
o   Allow yourself to become an expert by doing the same task, or exercise over and over again. Physiologically speaking, we need this repetition in order for your cerebellum to store the information. 
·           Shout it from the Mountain Tops! (Teach others your craft)
o   One of my favourite techniques when orientating a new employee, is to have them teach someone else what they have learned. It forces you to reflect on the knowledge you've acquired, and in turn, reinforces it.


  1. Hey Nicole,

    Great post!

    I too believe everything happens for a reason and you can see all the answers you need by just looking around you.

    I'm an animal lover. I believe nature is always talking to us. Each creature has a special purpose and message to give when you see them. Today on my walk I saw a hawk, grasshopper, beetle and about 9 caterpillars. Message received loud and clear. (Google animal totems).

    I love this too: "Don’t cheat yourself – why would you be anything but the very best version of you." Great words to live by!

    Thanks for the inspiration - I know I read this for a reason. :)

  2. Thanks Greg! So glad to hear you're enjoying my insight. I agree - there is more to nature than meets the eye. Take care!
